Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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Enrolment FAQs
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How much is the School donation?
The 2025 School Donation is $675 for one boy and $900 for two or more boys. It is adjusted annually to reflect the cost of living.

Does the School have an open day?
We have an Information Evening on 1st August 2024. This provides a great opportunity to be taken on a hosted tour of the school and see first-hand what the school offers. In August we interview every applicant to enable him and his family to ask any questions they may have of the school. All of the interviews are conducted by experienced, senior members of staff.

Do you have Scholarships for boys to attend the School?
As a state school, all boys within our zone are entitled to enrol and we aren’t able to offer scholarship places to boys from out of zone.

In Zone Enrolments:

How long do we need to have lived in zone to make an application to enrol?
There is no minimum time. But we do need evidence that you are living at the address i.e. the latest electricity and phone (landline) and internet accounts. These are not usually available until at least a month after moving into a new property so it is best to allow a minimum of a month.

I have purchased a property and settlement takes place in 6 weeks. Can I apply to enrol now?
We cannot process an application in advance on the basis of a signed tenancy or settlement. You must be resident at the enrolment address before making an application.

My husband and I are separated and only one of us lives within the school zone. Is my son entitled to enrol?
This depends on where he spends the majority of his time while the school is open for instruction. In order to satisfy the school of this, you will need to supply a copy of the custody agreement or other legal documentation.

Can my son live with his Aunt / my friend / a Home stay family in zone?
No. Students can only live with their parent or legal guardian. Temporary changes in guardianship are not acceptable to the school.

Can we live in zone during the week and out of zone at weekends?
It depends. If the family home is in zone, and some weekends are spent at a bach or holiday home, this would, of course, be acceptable. It is not permissible to rent or buy a property in zone with the intention of using the property to gain admission to the school and living there only part of the time.

How long do we have to remain living in the zone?
It is the Board’s expectation that the student will remain in zone for the duration of his schooling at Westlake Boys High School.

What do we do if family circumstances force a move out of the zone?
If you want your son to remain enrolled at the School you need to seek permission before moving out of the zone. The School considers all such applications on a case-by-case basis and may, at its discretion, allow boys to continue their schooling at the School. Others will be advised that a move out of zone will jeopardise their son’s continued enrolment and could lead to his enrolment being annulled.

Out of Zone Enrolments:

Will the School be offering any out of zone places next year?
Yes, but the number will depend on the number of in zone applications we receive. This varies from year to year. Over the past 5 years numbers have ranged between 100 and 200 at Year 9 level and between 0 and 15 at other year levels. These numbers are from the final ballot category once boys holding priority have been offered places.

My son is a very strong academic/sportsman/musician. Will this give him preference over other boys for an Out of Zone place?
No. The ballot is carried out under Justice of the Peace supervision and is similar to a lottery or lucky dip.

When will we hear the results of the ballot?
The School will notify you via email of your ranking on the ballot within a week of the ballot taking place. Places will be offered at any time between then and the commencement of the new academic year as the number of in zone enrolments are confirmed.

Do sons of Old Boys receive priority through the ballot?
Yes. Legislation passed in 2010 allows for children of former students to receive priority in the out of zone ballot.

How many places were offered in the 2024 Out of Zone Ballot?
All applicants in Priority groups for Year 9 were offered places, along with the first 110 applicants drawn from the general ballot on 6 September 2023.  All other applicants were placed on a waitlist. By the end of the 2023 Academic year, we were able to offer a place to the first 8 applicants on the waitlist for Year 9.  
 No further places will be offered for the 2024 academic year.

How many places will be available in the 2025 Out of Zone Ballot?
This number will be determined by our Board of Trustees once we have received all our in zone applications. It may be more or less than last year and is usually finalised in the week leading up to the ballot which is scheduled for 11 September 2024.