We are committed to providing meaningful counselling support for our young men.
Our aim is to help our students negotiate the challenges of their teenage years, empower them to better understand themselves, their connection to the world and the people in their lives. We have a team of four qualified counsellors who are all registered with the New Zealand Association of Counsellors.
Confidentiality is always upheld unless there is a safety risk for the student or if the student poses a risk to others. Our counsellors are bound by the New Zealand Association of Counsellors Code of Ethics and we work within a framework that is client centred, safe and ethical in the best interests of each student.
Students are encouraged to self-refer for counselling support using the counselling icon on their Westlake start page, or by clicking the lick at the bottom of this page. However we acknowledge that this can be a challenging process for some and so we encourage parents and whanau to have a conversation with their child and make the booking online together. We also encourage our students to self-monitor their well-being via our online ORAH app.
Parents and whanau can also make direct contact with any of the counselling team for advice and guidance on the best way to support their sons.
Ngā mihi nui,
Mr Mark Butler (Head of Department) [email protected]
Mrs Jennifer Fan (Mandarin speaker) [email protected]
Mrs Della Harkness [email protected]